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My Philosophy

I was born into the world of western religion, and later became fixated on the western philosophy of classical liberalism. Since hence, I have dabbed into different thoughts, such as transcendentalism, deism, and vedantism. Here are the inner workings of my mind.

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Nole Oppermann

We are all of the same universe

There are no strangers

And there are no visitors

For to be a visitor

Implies to not be of this world

Which we know is simply not true.

Imagine each one of us as an individual atom

With the universe being the body of the whole, which is God

And so, we are all parts of God.

This is God

I am God

You are God

And so is that

He is God

She is God

God is God

And that is that.

There is only one God

But the oceans, cliffs, and mountains

Plants, animals, and humans

Are what partly makes up God.

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Inspired by Henry David Thoreau's Walden

One of my primary goals is to combine the intellectualness of man and the hardiness of savages. The necessities of life for humans are food, clothing, shelter, and fuel. I went to the woods in order to learn the necessities of life. From this experience, I learned the difference of what constitutes to have lived, and not to have lived.

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Non-Aggression Principle

A free society is based on one central axiom, that is, no person or group may aggress against another person or property. Aggression means the initiation of the use or threat of physical violence against another person or property. Be respectful to others and their property, and take responsibility for one's actions.

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